A fresher joined a company who made a mistake while ding yaria: to build_spec.yaml file. As a consequence, build pipelines started failing. What is the root cause for this error commited by the fresher? (Choose the best answer.)
As a DevOps engineer working on managing clusters on the OCI platform for your organization, which statement is true about managing cluster add-ons in OCI OKE Cluster?
Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Vault service, you created a secret and rotated. one time. The current version state shows: Version Number : 2 (latest) | Status: Cur-rent Version Number: 1 | Status: Previous In order to rollback to version 1, what should you do?
You need to create a secret in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in vault service. Which of the fol-lowing is a prerequisite? (Choose the best answer.)
What is the difference between continous deployment and continous delivery with regard to DevOps lifecycle ? (Choose the best answer.)