Which statement is NOT true about cumulative lead time?
Answer : D
Cumulative lead time is a key concept in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, where it calculates the total time required to manufacture an item. The following points clarify the calculations:
Statement D is incorrect because cumulative lead time does not update the lead time percent at the operation level in the work definition. Instead, cumulative lead time focuses on rolling up the lead times of both make and buy items to provide an overall lead time for the entire production process.
Correct Statements:
Statement A: The system calculates cumulative manufacturing lead time by summing up the lead times of all make items in the production process.
Statement B: At the end of the cumulative lead time calculation process, it updates the lead time attributes of the item, specifically cumulative manufacturing and cumulative total lead times.
Statement C: Cumulative total lead time includes both make and buy item lead times, representing the complete production cycle from procurement to manufacturing.
Two work definitions are created in the application: one for Engine Finished Good and the other for Pallet Finished Good. The Engine Finished Good item should have Pallet Finished Good as one of its components.
How can you establish the relationship between the Pallet and Engine work definitions?
Answer : A
To establish a relationship between the work definitions of Engine Finished Good and Pallet Finished Good, you can create a common subinventory. This subinventory will serve as the completion subinventory for the Pallet Finished Good and the supply subinventory for the Engine Finished Good. This ensures that the Pallet Finished Good is completed in one process and is then available as a component for the Engine Finished Good.
Subinventory Linking: Using a common subinventory ties the output from one work definition as an input to another. The Pallet becomes an inventory item that is consumed in the production of the Engine.
A Manufacturing Engineer in a plant is creating an alternate manufacturing process for an item using its existing work definitions. After copying from the existing work definition, WD1, to the alternate work definition, WD2, the engineer finds that the operation items were not copied in the alternate manufacturing process WD2.
What is the reason for this?
Answer : C
When creating an alternate work definition (WD2) by copying from an existing one (WD1), if the Item and Structure Name were changed during the creation of WD2, the operation items would not be copied. This is because operation items are tied to specific item structures. Changing the structure results in a disconnect between the original operation items and the new work definition.
Item and Structure Name are critical in ensuring that the operation items (components and materials) are transferred when copying work definitions. If these names are changed, the system does not assume the same items should be used.
Which three entities must you set up in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud to create a work definition for an item that will be manufactured in-house?
Answer : A, B, D
To create a work definition for an in-house manufactured item in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, the following entities must be set up:
Resources: Resources such as machines, labor, or tools are required to define what is needed to execute each operation.
Operations: These represent the steps in the manufacturing process. Each operation can have multiple resources and associated work instructions.
Operation Items: These are the items consumed or used during the operation. They include the components and materials needed for production.
While Production Line (C) and Manufacturing Lead Time (E) are important for scheduling and capacity planning, they are not mandatory for creating a basic work definition.
Your client is planning to override the Plant Production Calendar with One or More Date-Effective Work Center Calendars. You need to explain the consideration when using the Override the Plant Production Calendar with One or More Date-Effective Work Center Calendars feature.
Which three statements are true when overriding the production calendar?
Answer : A, C, D
Overriding the plant production calendar with date-effective work center calendars provides flexibility in scheduling specific work centers with different operating hours. However, certain aspects of production planning and execution remain tied to the plant-level calendar. Here are the details:
Statement A: The Work Execution Work Area Infolets and Manage Production Exceptions page are based on the plant calendar and not on work center calendars -- Even when work centers have their own calendars, the high-level overview and exception reporting remain based on the plant calendar.
Statement C: Lead time calculation in days for an item remains based on the plant calendar -- Lead times are calculated using the plant calendar, regardless of work center-specific calendars, ensuring consistency in planning.
Statement D: Search actions in the Review Dispatch List page query operations based on the plant calendar shifts when multiple work centers are selected -- For consistency in dispatching, the system references the plant calendar when shift-based search parameters are used across multiple work centers.
Incorrect Statements:
Statement B: Date-effective ranges for work center calendars should not overlap for accuracy in scheduling.
Statement E: Supplier operations in outside processing generally rely on the plant calendar for consistency unless explicitly configured otherwise.
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